
Showing posts from June, 2019

A review of Reductive Materialism vs Substance Dualism by Tertius #Covfefe @TertiusIII

Reductive Materialism vs Substance Dualism by  Tertius #Covfefe @TertiusIII [my comments in brackets and highlighted italics] I once heard of an interesting exchange as follows. An inquisitive young philosophy student once asked his professor: 'Sir, what is matter?' Without giving it a thought, the professor quickly responded: 'Never mind.' [In my haste I misread the opening sentence: "heard of", my apologies. Nonetheless, the rest of the comments and notes on the original essay stand until someone points out issues and they are clarified or corrected. Also, see the addendum that follows (below)] [Addendum: Thanks to Bruce: This little 'chestnut' is an old trope that's been making the rounds forever: ( I hadn't twigged to it, so thanks Bruce for pointing it out. So, this little introductory anecdote isn't original thought or personal experience either. It's a regurgitatio